
About the Blog

The word homemaker can mean a lot of things to a lot of people.  Some may think of a women in pearls and heels vacuuming the living room while her 2.5 perfect children enjoy her county fair blue ribbon winning chocolate chip cookies in the background!  To others it may just be something they write without thinking while filling in the occupation section of a new patient form at the dentist's office.  My personal belief is that everyone (of all genders and ages) are homemakers. We all make our home in to one thing or another whether we mean to or not!

Deep down all of us would like to have a home where we and our families can feel safe and peaceful.  Whether we are 7 years old or 107, we want to create a place that is comfortable to us.    Not only can we achieve these outcomes without too much fuss we can do it without wearing pearls or winning blue ribbons at the fair.

I created this blog in order to keep track of the things that I am doing in order to make my home the kind of place I want it to be.   I know there are hundreds of magazines and television shows full of tips on how to keep a home, but after seeing image after image of perfectly decorated homes and reading the stories of the seemingly flawless people who created them, I usually feel more like taking up drinking than being inspired to try some of their tips. So if you are like me, well-intended but not quite perfect, this might just be the blog for you.  It contains some of my favorite recipes, products, books, household tips, parenting theories, you name it!  Maybe you will find some favorites among them too!