
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Sorry for the long break...

Hello? Is anyone still reading? :-) Sorry I seemed to drop off the earth there for a bit. As many have heard or deduced for themselves...I am in fact 12 weeks pregnant! While I am so excited to be pregnant again after going through a miscarriage this summer...I have been really sick this time and so I haven't been cooking. And even when I do cook I haven't felt like writing about know how that goes!

Anyway, we have still been doing some fun things around the house for the season and I've tried to keep taking pictures so that I can do posts about them all eventually! Today I'm feeling better so I decided to post some of them. Thanks for you support and hopefully we'll get back up and running on a normal schedule here at Neighbor Julia soon! We'll be at my sister's wedding next week and there will be plenty of festive foods and activities to post about soon! For now, enjoy the sudden bursts of posts from random things that have happened over the last month!


  1. Yea!! I'm so happy for you Julia, I didn't know you were pregnant, I'm sorry you're going through the sick part sister is about the same as you she's due in July and very sick . have fun at your sister's wedding!!

  2. I hope you are feeling better now! What exciting news! I miscarried last year too, but now am 29weeks with a baby boy and hoping these last few months go by quickly!

    Good job on all those cinnamon rolls. You are an impressive "baker:)." Haha. I hope you have a wonderful time at your sister's wedding. I can't wait to see photos!
