
Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Favorites: Apple Nachos

Today's Friday favorite is Apple Nachos! Super fun and super fast.  My kids love to make these for dessert or for an after school treat. Don't let the name deceive you. The word apple might make you think "healthy" but these might as well be called candy nachos! However, that being said...who wouldn't love candy nachos!

Usually my older girls and I dip apples. They are super yummy but the recipe is a bit time sensitive (you have to keep it all hot and creamy and orderly...etc) If you have time and want to try dipped apples check out my caramel chocolate apples recipe.

Not only did the girls love eating them but they were also much easier for the girls to help with. I included ways to have your kids help in the directions. I also thought it was going to be less messy than dipped apples. And while it was a lot easier for them to eat, everything is messy when you are have your wet paper napkins ready! Yum!

Apple Nachos
4 gala apples (cored and slice 1/4 in. thick)
20 caramels (unwrapped)
2 tsp. hot water
2 cups mini marshmallows
2 T. butter
Assorted toppings (for example- chopped nuts, chopped up chocolate, mini M&M's, toasted coconut, Halloween sprinkles etc.)

While you are slicing the apples have your kids unwrap the caramels and place them in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave the caramels with the hot water until melted (about 1 minute 30 seconds). Meanwhile melt the marshmallows and butter in a small saucepan until smooth. While you are busy melting everything have your kids arrange the apple slices on a large baking sheet. Drizzle the apples with melted caramels and marshmallows. Have your kids top the apples with chopped nuts, chocolate, coconut and/or sprinkles. Serve immediately!

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