
Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to Make a Weekly Menu Sign

So this last weekend I got to go help my friend Jenny at a Community Preparedness fair.  Jenny was running a booth on menu planning and cooking from scratch.  You can check out her blog at

As part of the setup for the booth she asked me to bring a menu sign and I realized that I hadn't ever posted about my menu planner.  I made one for myself and have given several as presents as well.  Basically you can turn a cheap picture frame into dry erase board and because the background is just scrapbook paper you can change it to match any location or season.  My kids love to be able to see what is coming up for dinner and having it out in my kitchen reminds me to make my menu and stick to it!

It was super easy to make and I thought I'd pass on the idea to all of you! To make the same sign as the picture you will need:

12x12 picture frame
12x12 scrapbook paper of your choice
vinyl letters saying Menu and days of the week
dry erase marker

If you have a silhouette cutter, I'm working on being able to upload my template so that others can use it.  I played around with it for a while before deciding on the font sizes and styles. For the heading I used Rockwell Condensed and for the days of the week I use Kristen ITC. Play around and see what you like!

If you don't have a vinyl cutter other options would be to print the days of the week directly on the scrapbook paper or leave it blank and write in the days along with your menu every week. Using kitchen themed paper will still give it a menu feel and remind you to fill it in! I bought a whole pack of it for 5 dollars at hobby lobby.  It was on clearance and I've seen it in that section many times.  I'm not really sure what else you would use kitchen themed scrapbook paper for but it makes for some super cute menu boards so check the clearance section of your favorite craft store and stock up :)

Have fun! Go ahead and give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. I love mine! I'm glad that I get to benefit from your craftiness. :-) Thanks again for helping me out last week. It was fun! Talking about food for 4 hours!
